Wednesday, May 15, 2013

RV10.11 वेद  मंत्राधारित   यज्ञ  से देवत्व प्राप्ति

9आंगिहविर्धानऋषि:- आङ्गि हविर्धान:  अग्नि:  जगती, 7-9 त्रिष्टुप् 

वृषा वृष्णे दुदुहे दोहसा दिव: पयांसि यह्वो अदितेरदाभ्य: 

 RV10.11.1, AV18.1.17

जिस प्रकार भौतिक यज्ञाग्नि से प्रेरित ,आकाश के ऋतुनुसार मेघों केदोहन से यजमान के लिए वर्षा प्राप्त होती हैउसी प्रकार मंत्रों कीवेदध्वनि और यज्ञाग्नि से यजमान में वरूण के समस्त दैवत्व के गुणस्थापित होते हैं.

Fire on Physical level just as in the Agnihotra with Ved Mantras  Promotes appropriate to the Season, rains for the Yajmaan, so also at the Fire in Mental Agnihotra Facilitated by level of Ved Mantras Chanting, Gift Yajman with the Divine Virtues in Life, to Rise up to the occasion and meet all demands on him.

रपद्गन्धर्वीरप्या  योषणा नदस्य नादे परि पातु मे मन: 

इष्टस्य मध्ये अदितिर्नि धातु नो भ्राता नो ज्येष्ठ: प्रथमो विवोचति 10|RV10.11.2,AV18.1.19

वेदों के ज्ञान का गायन करने वाली (गंधर्वोंकी महिलाओं ने जल केलिए  गायन द्वारा स्तुति की. ( महिलाओं द्वारा लोकगीतों मेंऋतुनुसार वर्षा इत्यादि के लिए गायन की पद्धति आज भी इसी वैदिकपरम्परा का द्योतक हैइसी प्रकार कुल के ज्येष्ठों ने यज्ञाग्नि स्थापितकरके ध्यानावस्था में स्तुति की कि हमारे मन (सद्बुद्धि से प्रेरितकर्मों द्वारासदैव सुरक्षा प्रदान  करें.

Recite Learned ladies Ved Mantra  in prayers seeking Soulful musical tones   of nature's bounties such as Grant rains  according to seasons. 

सो चिन्नु भद्रा क्षुमती यशस्वत्युषा उवास मनवे स्वर्वती 

यदीमुशन्तमुशतामनु क्रतुमग्निं होतारं विदथाय जीजनन्।।10RV10.11.3,AV18.1.20

अध त्यं द्रप्सं विभ्वं विचक्षणं विराभरदिषित: श्येनो अध्वरे 


Drapsn surface- curd of buttermilk ) A   Very   Ordinarily met like Fluid Milk Butter, Vibwan when looked in to by concentrating on its important aspects Vichkshnn brings to light Virabrdisit : IF as the Researcher   pulls out of   Fire, Shyeno   as A   hawk-eyed  observer taking in his notice   from Very   High position A TOTAL perception, Adhware the hard intelligent worker.

Unless   the specific if ordinary common persons Vrinte adopt such strategies of scientific enquiry, Dasme    they   Aryabecome virtuous, Agnin Hotrmd   by performing Yajna to get fired in to action,   Dhi Qar :   Knowledge thus in Soma true intellect,  Jayt   is born.

(Newton discovered the force of gravity by deep perception and observation of a very common every day event of an apple falling from a tree. This is the phenomenon Veda is saying in above Mantra.)

This Som-wisdom is applied in the performance of yajnas patiently to obtain the results.

सदासि रण्वो यवसेव पुष्यसे होत्राभिरग्ने मनुष: स्वध्वर: 


Barley as feed for Physical Health is just Desired, so also the wise men know that desiring Performance of Yajnas in Fire with Ved Mantras  installs in Human Qualities virtuous temperament.

 जिस प्रकार अन्नदि से भौतिक पुष्टता प्राप्त होती हैइच्छुक  विद्वत्

 जन जानते हैं कि उसी प्रकार मन्त्र पाठ सहितअग्निहोत्र से दैविकवृत्तियां स्थापित हो कर आत्म शक्ति  से संरक्षण प्राप्त कराती हैं. (उपासना अग्निहोत्र कर्मकाण्ड में देवताओं का आह्वान होता है)

उदीरय पितरा जार  भगमियक्षति हर्यतो हृत्त इष्यति 

विवक्ति वह्नि: स्वपस्यते मखस्तविष्यते असुरो वेपते मती ।।RV10.11.6,AV18.1.23

Morning Sun dispels the Darkness to show just as the Physical path, so also the Ved Mantras  & Agnihotras provide the wisdom to dispel our Ignorance and Twitter in the wisdom of our Elders and Traditional Build upon that. (There was great wisdom and experience behind most of the traditional practices and rituals of our elders. But by ignoring those practices and improving upon them

जिस प्रकार प्रात:काल का सूर्य रात्रिके अंधकार को भगा कर हृदय सेआराधना करने वाले का मार्ग प्रशस्त  करता हैउसी प्रकार अग्निहोत्रउपासना  हमारे पूर्वजों  के  ज्ञान द्वारा हमारा मार्ग प्रशस्त करे.

यस्ते अग्ने सुमतिं मर्तो अक्षत् सहस: सूनो अति  प्रशृण्वे 


Humans (men & women) Cultivate those who Vedic Mantrasand Agnihotras  Life in their style,   they are motivated to achieve immense bounties in the Direction of Health, wealth and strength for all their Life Fame.

जो मनुष्य वेद मन्त्रों यज्ञों को अपने जीवनका अधार बनाते हैं वह प्रभुकृपा से जितेन्द्रिय हो कर सब प्रकार के उत्तम  धनधान्यआत्मबल,ख्याति और सम्मनित पद प्राप्त करते हैं.

यदग्न एषा समितिर्भवाति देवी देवेषु यजता यजत्र 


Persons who cultivate Vedas in their life style develop a serene, equanimus, sweet temperament. GUIDE VOICE is heard to all of their Affairs   growth of the Society for Prosperity.   

ऐसे जन मृदु  स्वभाव  द्वारा कल्याणकारी वृत्तियों को प्राप्त होते हैं.समाज की  हर सभा समिति में उन का आदर सम्मान के साथयोगदान अपेक्षित होता है.

श्रुधी नो अग्ने सदने सधस्थे युक्ष्वा रथममृतस्य द्रवित्नुम् 

 नो वह रोदसी देवपुत्रे माकिर्देवानामप भूरिह स्या: ।।RV10.11.9,AV18.1.25

Guided advice and wisdom of Ved is Raptly listened persons  in various Committees, that the nation GUIDE to   provide warmth and Society with Sun shine like Brilliance

ऐसे वेद प्रेरित व्यक्तित्व के भाषण को सब सभाओं में सब के हित में,स्वार्थद्वेष रहित होने के कारण सम्मानके साथ सुना जाता है और सूर्यके तेज के सद्रिश देश तेजस्वी बनता है.